Study this Book of Instruction continually . Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. This is my command - be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is withyou wherever you go. - Joshua 1:8-9
This is a great verse. It just illustrates what we can have if we choose a relationship with God. God wants you to know what He wants for you and for all His people, so that you can help Him achieve that - He knows that ultimately it is each individual's choice whether to follow Him or not, but He chooses each of us who love Him, and gives each of us an exciting mission to help others become closer to Him. He promises us joy for doing this. Imagine you are running a race (read Hebrews 12:1-3). This is the race you are running for God. It may not always be easy - in fact, sometimes it's hard to share Jesus, and the outcome may not be the desired one at first. But you are glorifying God in all you share to do with Him. Every time you step out in faith, God sees. Every time He prompts you to do something, do it.
If you give your whole life for God's plan, He can then totally fulfill what He wants you to do. If you find yourself sitting at home doing nothing, but thinking "God has no plan for me," then think again. Read His word, take hold of your instructions and get out there and meet people who you can share your joy with in your every day life. This will lead to eternal life, joy, and an everlasting relationship with the Father in Heaven. Isn't that such an exciting thought? Why is it so hard to comprehend? Because it's beyond belief how amazing it is! We don't deserve it, yet because He loves us and we chose to love Him, we get to be with Him forever. Forget broken relationships - this one lasts forever and it's perfect!
Be strong and brave, step out and do God's will. This could be anywhere, anything, at any time. But it's all God, and God is good! This verse does suggest you will have to step of your comfort zone. Then God sees your willingness to serve, your faith in Him, and how much you love Him. Do not be scared, doubtful or discouraged. It may not be the most appealing situation to put yourself in, but use your judgment which, if you keep the Word in your heart, will also be God's heart towards the situation, which means you should do it anyway. He has a plan, and he is your peace and comforter. (I like to sing "I Will Exalt You" and "Made Me Glad" by Hillsong when I'm afraid) The Lord is with you. In the good times and the bad. Ask for a hug from Him when you need one - trust me, you will feel a change in your heart! God is amazing! And the Lord will guide you where He wants you to be. He knows what's in your heart and knows what choices you are going to make. So let Him influence you to be something in your life, make a difference and bring yourself and others closer to the Father. Let His love rule your heart! Amen? :)