And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love. - Proverbs 5v5
You know, God loves you. And not in the cheesy "Jesus loves you!" kind of way. He loves you dearly, deeply, with his whole heart and mind. He is constantly thinking good things about you, blessing you even with the smallest things. God puts the lonely in families. God blesses those he loves with sleep. And I'm presuming most people reading this have enough food to eat each day. So thank God for these blessings every day.
Have you ever felt disappointed. Probably. I know I have. And if it's in other people, then just let the Holy Spirit God put in your heart allow you to love this person no matter what. Nobody is perfect. Thank goodness, or we wouldn't have Jesus! And if, as is more likely, it is in yourself, do not worry any more. God accepts you for who you are. He made you who you are. We all make mistakes, we learn from them. But this disappointment leads to hope. Hope for the hopeless - God is. Friend to the friendless - God is. Disappointment to the hopeful? I don't think so. He loves you and wants you to be happy and joyful, yet the world is a horrible place sometimes. So take up your shield of faith and put on the full armour of God. Smile because He took your place and sacrificed everything for you. You are only disappointing yourself. Because God loves you enough to meet you where you are, but loves you too much to see you stay there. God is love, love never fails, God loves you and me. And FAITH is really spelt RISK. So take a RISK and let God bless you and others around you this week, let you not worry about disappointment. Because from this comes an inextinguishable hope from God, that He loves you anyway. So really, there's nothing to lose.