Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Proverbs And Rain

Hiya! Haven't blogged in ages so now is the time! It's a wet, windy day here and I really don't like it. I've been moaning about it especially as it made me ill because I got a chill.. but anyway, I just decided the weather is relevant to what I want to put across today. Proverbs 17 v 17... A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need. This is one of my favourite scriptures, because it illustrates purpose and identity. If we are loyal, we can be trusted, which is always a good thing to have people think of you (as long as it is true, of course!) and we are born to help others come to know God, and to help them in good times and not so good. I'm not trying to boast about myself here, as I know that although I try my best to be loyal it isn't always that simple, I make mistakes, and I know full well I'm not always there when people need me. I'm too wrapped up in my own life. However, I would like to tell you a story of what happened today... My friend Rowena was meant to have hockey after school but it was cancelled, and her phone was in London with her mum. So Rowena used a friend's phone to call her but there was no reply. I let her use my phone, as it was raining and she had no way of getting home - no oyster card, no money, no phone - and she rang her mum, with no answer, her home phone, with no answer, and then finally her dad, who picked up and said he could pick her up. However, this whole time she kept telling me I should go home as it was raining, I had a lot to do and my family would wonder where I was. But all I could think of was helping her out, as there is so much potential bad stuff that could happen, and I didn't want to leave her on her own, by the park, when it was getting dark. Loyal? Maybe. There in time of need? My phone was. But we need to examine our heart attitude. I will admit it would have been easier, drier, warmer and quicker for me to leave, but I didn't. Why? Because Jesus wouldn't. He is the ultimate friend there to help us in time of need - in fact, "a brother is born to help in time of need" is certainly true - how about us with all our sin? Jesus came to help in our time of need by taking all our sin upon himself. I'm sorry but that is one big help. The biggest help, most important help you will ever receive. And he is loyal - he didn't come to earth and enjoy it, yet he carried on for the sake of us (His Father's will.) I think we should examine our hearts, look out for those in need like Jesus did, and help them as much as we can to our best ability. Even the small things like holding someone's bag, smiling at someone, a hug, a wave, even just saying "hello." You could save someone's life and not realise it. It is what you were born to do. You've been appointed by God! :)

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